Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Pertito Moreno (the glacier)
1-3: Homo Touristicus
Well, I had a tour to the Glacier today and it´s really phantastic what typ of cameras are around. Those big once where for about 80% Nikons, from the basic models up to the high-end stuff. Same Canons, some Panasonics, and lots of compact ones. It was a lot of pieping and snapping digtal noises and "there", "aqui", "esta", "DaDaDa" yelling...
We did the boot as well, which was worth it. Well, the dimensions of this thing is just not possible to be understand by a human brain, and particular trying to understand the timeframe is just out of space for humans to be understood...
The bigger event for me was the glacier Grande next to El Chaltén. It was closer, colder, and just more intensive, more nature. Well the galcier Moreno is hugh and in our 2 hours we stayed a couple of big ice pieces well down with a lot of noise. They say it is still crowing, to me all evidance says something different. Olderpostcards from 10 years ago sho clearly a contection to the peninsular, which is gone since 2005.