Stefanie, me and Ross in the Police car in BsAs, getting a lift from the tourist police office to a real police office...
Sunday is famous in BsAs San Telmo. It´s a workers area with great markets Tango shows on the streets, live music and a lot of art stuff for sale. I met with 4 other Couchsurfers and sitting in a café I got trick theafted: I little girl, not older than 6 or 7 draugh attention to us and I did not understand what she wanted, 20 seconds later she was gone again. Half an hour later I wanted to pay my coffee, but my bag was gone.
Forunetely I have not lost my camera, which was on the desk and my Irish bank card, which was in my pocket by coinsidens.., Well, still it´s not really nice to have lost my sunmilk and even worse my spanish stuff, like my audio course guide book. When and the bag itself as well is sad to loose. Yeah, and the compass I got in Sweden is really sad, too. Well, the passport was kind of bad to loose, too but I got a replacment in one weekday, as I was just living next to the german embassy. So I stayed another two days longer and my stolen bus ticket worth another 100 Euro could not be used anyway,... I know, the wallet with my credit card (which is replaced already as well, the German Bank card (with my travel-budget on it), the 100 Euro cash and last but not least my driving licence which makes me not rent a car on my whole trip -is kind of a bad experience.
Well, I don´t let it turn me down,... it could be worse. Even I am a bit less relaxed now moving in a poor countries, everythings gets sorted. Plus I met Ross from London at the police station and I hope we meet in Patagonia for a hike or tow. He had a similar story...
Thanks a lot to Stefanie, my CS friend, I guided me through the admin process on Sunday. And as I had to pick up my passport on Tuesday I stayed another two days. That gave me the great option to have the prober Tango course!
Y muchos gracias a mi CS amiga Victoria por todos!